DORGIS-AR aims to:
a) Instill a culture of clean sport by ensuring that young athletes and athlete support personnel understand and practise the values of clean sport. Enhance sport ethics and integrity in sport.
b) Contribute to the prevention of doping in recreational sport. Inform, educate and motivate young athletes and sport teachers/coaches concerning the dangers related to the use of prohibited drugs and substances.
c) Contribute to the promotion of healthy nutrition as a counterweight to pro-doping culture in recreational sport.
d) Raise awareness to parents of young athletes concerning the growing and problematic phenomenon of doping outside of elite and competitive sporting systems that may be developing into a serious societal and public health concern.
e) Familiarize the wider sporting population concerning legislation, WADA’s code, prohibited list, and testing procedures.

- Young athletes of 9-16 years old participating in recreational sport. We will mainly target young athletes participating to school/university teams, amateur sport teams and sport associations etc. from the seven participating countries RO, EL, IT, ES, PT, PL and HR;
- Sport teachers/professors/coaches, teams’ medical staff of the above mentioned athletes;
- Parents of young athletes and wider sporting population.