DORGIS game is performed in three phases requiring:
a) physical activity,
b) innovative mobile technology and
c) E-Platform modules support.
For the 1rst phase of the Game, we have developed 70 Anti-doping educational games and activities aiming to teach young athletes the importance of Sport Ethics and sport integrity.
2nd phase of the Game: We have developed an innovative Mobile App in eight language versions RO, EL, IT, ES, PT, PL, HR, EN aiming
a) to emphasize on the dangerous side effects of prohibited drugs through the use of Holographic Augmented reality and
b) to educate about eating healthy as an alternative to illegal substances.

Augmented reality technology: We have developed two holograms (3D models male and female athletes) that in real time make the game more exciting and up-to date and make visible to the users the side-effects that prohibited drugs and substances can cause to their body.
We have combined education with entertainment aiming to motivate and attract as many as possible young athletes to use the apps and benefit from the educational content.
3rd phase of the game: We have develop an E-Platform with 42 Modules based on Moodle that can teach sport teachers/coaches how to identify doping vulnerable athletes, understand doping signs, promote WADA’s Anti-doping Code, prohibited list and legal procedures.
Additionally, our project supported athletes Parents’ needs and raise awareness through four Multiplier events and many other dissemination activities that took place in seven EU countries.